Welcome to In the Beginning, God Ministries!

I want you to know that there is an In the Beginning plan of God for every facet of your life.

Too often, however, true Kingdom purpose is never fully realized, and thus society suffers because families are lost, children are lost… generations are lost.

I.T.B.G. Ministries is committed to igniting a fire in you to impact the world for the Kingdom by helping you…

  • IDENTIFY your God-ordained purpose
  • UNCOVER the strategies of Hell against you and your family
  • RENEW your passion for God, family, and prayer
  • WALK in your destiny
  • STRENGTHEN your family
  • SAVE the generations, leave a godly legacy
  • IMPACT the world for the Kingdom of God.

Remember always, In the Beginning God!

Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Send your praise and prayers to the team.

I look forward to hearing from you